Week 10: AI Agents

Introduction to Week 10

This week we’ll “skate toward where the puck is going to be” by talking about AI agents.

Weekly Activity: Part 1

In the past we’ve talked about generative AI, and large language models specifically, being like an operating system. (We watched a video of Andrej talking about the LLM OS, here’s his summary tweet.) If LLMs are the operating system, what do the “apps” that run on that OS look like? Agents are the space where the overwhelming amount of this investment and activity are happening. This week we’ll watch videos about two recently announced projects in this space – the Rabbit R1 and the Open Interpreter 01 Light – and check out a recent episode of my favorite generative AI podcast, Latent Space.

More info at https://www.rabbit.tech/

More info at http://openinterpreter.com/01

More info at https://www.latent.space/p/adept

Weekly Activity: Part 2

For this week’s activity, think about what’s possible with AI agents. Briefly answer the following three questions. There are no wrong answers, but I’m specifically interested in the amount of creativity and imagination in your answers. We are truly entering a space where the only limits on us are the limits of our imaginations.

What possibilities do AI agents present for society broadly?

What possibilities do AI agents present for education specifically?

What possibilities do AI agents present for instructional designers specifically?

Capture some thoughts about these questions and Submit them to Assignment 10: Agents in Canvas. This assignment is due by 11:59pm Mountain on Thursday, Mar 28.